Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Postcard from France

M and G are feeling rather miffed because I have received two postcards from my beloved dogfather and they have .... NONE!
G promises to show me Mon Oncle on the DVD machine sometime soon so I can understand what the postcard is about - apparently Jaques Tati would have liked being a dogfather.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Moving, moving, moving...

Things have been shifting - shiftily - down-right a'changing...
It seems we have moved house. From our cosy little flat to a much larger house, sharing with M's lovely brother upstairs. It has been very confusing. I have been to this house before - but then one day we didn't go home. I have been visiting this house for a while because D lived here (I even had an embarrassing moment where I got stuck inside and had to do a poo inside, I tried to do it where no-one would notice ;-)) which meant it was very confusing. But eventually I understood what it meant that boxes appeared at home, and then they seemed to be over there. Over time the furniture I knew seemed to be in the other place. I thought we were just on a holiday and waited at the front door to go home every night but then I understood that my bed was here, and M and G's bed was here, and that all the books were here (and gosh there are a lot!!!) ...
It is great here now with a garden, and stairs, and lots of space - I do feel at home - but still I have a little longing for the place I grew up in.
The photo show the moving in process - as I now know it to be - boxes, boxes, boxes...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Farewell to my Dogfather

My adored dogfather is moving overseas for an uncertain length of time and already I miss him.I heard that he's going to a place called Paris,I get the impression that it more than a short drive away. Merde!! ( WOW I'M BILINGUAL!)
In our last time together he told M and me about the book "A Dog's Life" by Peter Mayle and together we read his "Advice to the Young Dog". He also talked to me about my responsibilities as an almost adult dog - I turn one very soon - scary to admit but it is time for me to step up.

Dog pie

It's Not what you think!

Kangaroos and barbed wire fences

Lets faces facts I’m an urban dog, I make no pretence of having rural aspirations, but now I found myself on a farm and it was early and I was going to make the most of this new situation. G flung the door open the air was fresh and laden with the smell of, well lets just say it was overloaded. Whilst taking it all in, a mob of those kangaroo creatures appeared along the horizon line – all I can say is that they are lucky that they were on the other side of the wire fence.

Farm Weekend 1

It started as just another Friday afternoon in August, G took me around to play with pudding but then after dinner everything shifted. Instead of heading home with M and G, Pudding and his humans got in the car as well and we headed out of the city.
After a lot of dozing on M's lap (in between bouts of mutual sniffing and licking with Pudding) the car pulled off the bitumen road and N got out of the car to open a gate. We all tried to peer through the darkness as the car bounced across grass and rocks towards a small cottage.
As we piled out of the car, a flock of strange leaping creature bounded past - M tells me they are kangaroos. There were so many new smells and so many new sorts of droppings on the ground - it was exhilarating and Pudding I were looking forward to the morning!
This is the view I saw out the window when I woke up - waking up M and G as well. Soon they were also up and it was time to explore...

Mountains Weekend 2

This is me on my first bushwalk - well obviously I am not walking in this photo but this is because G has lifted me up so I can see the view. We found a walk to 'Bushranger's cave' which was not part of the National Park which meant it was ok for me tag along. (We won't go into the whole dog ban, national park thing. I am not quite sure how I feel about all of that!)
The walk started at the top of a huge valley - it was quite beautiful and M and G assured me the view out over the valley was just as good as at the tourist traps in the National Park near Katoomba.

Mountains Weekend 1

Way back at the end of July we went up to the Blue Mountains for the weekend. Not just M and G, but also M's Mum, Dad and Brother and then her friends from Canberra the next day. It was very exciting to have so many of my favorite humans around.
At first I was a little worried about the climate - as we got out of the car when we arrived I began to shiver quite violently - I reluctantly agreed to get into a polar fleece jumpsuit. It was bitingly cold but in the house we had smokey fires to curl up in front of and as long as you kept moving when outside it was actually quite refreshing. The sky was blue and the air was clean. The grass was also all white and crunchy in the mornings - when I relieved myself steam rose up from the ground!
But really it was the fires that excited me the most. They have more personality the the grey heater back at home. They snap and crackle, the warmth has an ebb and flow - they almost seem to breathe. I must say that I like the smell as well - they were wood fires and I could still smell the smoke on when we went outside - it was a comforting reminder of what we had to look forward to when we went back in.
M's mother took the photo of me on the left - apparently it is now on her fridge and she thinks I am looking pleading. But I want her to know it is not my pleading look - it is my interested one - it was nice to spend more time with M's parents and to get to know them better.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maybe not so grown-up...

I gave M and G a scare this afternoon. I didn't mean to but apparently my experimentation with drugs freaked them out. I was really just chewing on the nice metallic plastic I wasn't really interested in the chalky white things in them. I spat them out I promise! !

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

All grown up

People keep saying to me "oh Steve, how much you've grown" - this is very boring but after looking through photos today I take their point. Today I am nine months and ten days old: I have all my adult teeth and I weigh 7kgs; I have had all my puppy shots and a certain operation; I can sit and stay; fetch and catch a ball; I sleep by myself at night and can be left on my own during the day; and I feel safe and loved by family and friends. In the photo I am just a little over 6 weeks old and this is the first night I spent with M and G. They seemed to want me there but I was not so sure about them. G went out and came back with a straw basket for me to sleep in, a rope to chew on, and a snake to play with. Of course I also had Monkey – she was the only thing to come with me from my former home. That first night I found myself shivering – away from the warmth of the moving scrum that was my brother and sisters – I was cold; perhaps just scared, and maybe a little excited as well. So much was new it was overwhelming but thrilling at the same time. Just one example was being taken out into the garden to go to the toilet where I encountered grass for the first time, having previously been confined to a concrete courtyard this was foreign new ground – I even shivered and paused before I took my tentative first step. 

Later that night M and G put my new basket on their bed and when they thought I was asleep they put me on the floor beside them. In reality I don’t think I slept at all that night – but I bit into monkey’s bum and kept my whimpering at bay. But as the long night progressed I noticed M peering down from the bed at me when I rolled over, or sighed, and she would smile encouragingly at me. And the next morning G greeted me with games and laughs, and we rumbled and played. 

Now it seems difficult to really remember what any of that felt like – it is more like telling a story that might have happened to somebody else. But when I look into the eyes of the puppy in this photograph I can remember the uncertainty but I also see the openness and hopeful optimism. And it is the latter that I hope to take with me into my adult life.

Winter Fashion - prequel

For those who are interested here is the only photo of me in my sock-jumper when I was only about 3 months old. Finding this photo has truly made me reflect on just how much I have grown ... in oh so many varied ways ... actually I think this is a topic that deserves a post all of its own...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Winter fashion

Now I have brought up the topic of dog clothes before - my lack of enthusiasm has been noted. When I was a little puppy M made me a jumper out of one G's socks - that was ok except everyone thought it looked like a muscle top and laughed at me. But I have to say that M and G have won me over this time! I love my new driza-bone coat - I think I look pretty spunky and I feel warm and dry! Now I will consider going out in the rain and cold and to strut my stuff. G also has a drizabone and I think all eyes will be turning towards us next time we walk out together. We were chick-magnets before but now...!! The only potential downside is that G is obsessed with working out what will go in my pockets  - I am happy to carry some load - maybe a few poo bags - but only as long as it doesn't ruin the line of my coat - I don't want to look fat or bulky!! You would think that G would understand such things - I think he is a pretty snappy dresser but then again M thinks he always has mis-shapen pockets - in his jeans and jackets. Perhaps I will have a few sartorial lessons to teach him. I think M is on my side and G just needs to learn that pockets can just be about decoration they don't always need to be used. In a similar vein I also reject doggy backpacks. And note to M - don't think that jut because I agree with you on the pockets means that I will be getting into one of those lime knitted jumper things any time soon!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Surviving Winter

I have a new love - it is grey and short but it blows hot hair and lying in front of it is almost as good as sleeping in the sun. I have heard something from M. about the green house effect but so what if I now live in front of 'heater', using up large quantities of fossil fuels!!! It's winter people, and as its the first one that I've ever lived through so I need something to mitigate the effects of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) - damm valvaldi and damm his 4 seasons. Sure I could try and stay active but because it has been so wet it is not all that fun outside and there is only so much I can get up to in the lounge room. Sure we go out for walks and to play in the park but I must say my current favorite pastime is curling up with my love! 
PS - I make sure monkey is warm as well BUT when are they going to fix monkey's arm

Friday, May 22, 2009

Poor mumphy

I know I am going to sound like a winger but this rain is boring! The cold and rain means that I haven’t been out much and there is only so much you can do in the house. I get bored – there I admit it – I get bored. And today it ended in tragedy. I was left alone by myself in the lounge room and I must tell you it was chaos! G has been creating some artwork out of the veneer on the sideboard he got on Freebay recently which meant there were was tools and bits of veneer all over the place. So being good and avoiding all the damage I could have done to G’s project I instead spent some quality time with Monkey. This is a stuffed toy in human understanding but she has been my closest friend since I was adopted. We came home together and she is whom I most often take to bed at night. We have spent many important moments together – she is mother/lover/friend and consistent companion. Although perhaps I play a little rough – G now calls her mumphy because due to our play, monkey no longer has a mouth – I think the idea is that “mumphy” is what monkey would sound like if you could not open your mouth. I am not this silly! While monkey and I are close I know she is not alive and that the difference between some stitching being there, and not being there, is NOT an existential crisis. However, today something of real import did happen – in our play Monkey lost her arm. I am devastated and feel very guilty all at once. I do hope that M can work some of her stitching magic and put my best friend back together. I do not think she can hug me the same way now…

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My first winter

I am not sure how I feel about this winter thing – all that dark and all that cold. G’s alarm went off so I got up and went to the toilet as I do in the morning but it was still night. This was followed by hours of chilly greyness, with a short ten minutes reprieve of a glimmer of sunshine, followed by heavy rain and then night – call that a day? The only good thing was cuddling under the bed clothes! Although I am not sure that will prove to be any real consolation over time – as G went to work he forgot I was there and lunged across the bed whacking me in the process. It is not all that often that I get to be on the big bed either. However, I suppose it does make you appreciate Summer with all it's warmth and light. Truly, I will never take them for granted again.  

Monday, May 11, 2009

The secrets of happiness - part 2

Even better than lying on the grass in the sun - playing in the garden with my new friend Pudding!

Ps- This blog has been a bit quiet of late due to the extreme shaping of our internet access - due to the setting up of a new account with a certain telco blogging has been somewhat impractical. Things should be back up to speed later this week.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday, we did gardening! It was the first time for me – since we live in an apartment, well I suppose there has been a little bit of ‘potting’ but it was nothing compared to having the full run of a garden – it also went up to sides of a house and all the way to the back fence past two run down sheds. It was truly one of the most exciting days I have had yet. I gambled through the grass, dug in the soil, ran around the mulberry tree, squeezed into the shed, which turned out to be quite cold, then sunned myself on a warm piece of concrete … 

Oh I should go back to the beginning and explain what we were doing there. B has moved to a house nearby and N, G and M were helping out in a bit of a working bee. G helped N erect a pagoda type of structure out of bamboo that N called a “folly” – it was pretty cool. Much of the other human activity seemed to be pulling up lots of small plants and then planting new ones – I wasn’t quite sure what all that was about – but the new ones were all in nice neat rows unlike the ones that had been there before. I tried to help neaten up one row –lettuces I think X said but I got chased away because as usual my attempts to help out were misinterpreted. But it was there were plenty of other things for me to do – I left them to their peculiar human activities and got on with my own. It was just so grand being outdoors in such an exciting place – all afternoon – with some of my favourite humans just nearby!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Precious warmth

Talking of unsolicited ‘parental urges’ I have been noticing something else recently – as the weather has been getting colder my parents seem more and more keen for me to sit on their lap or lie by their sides. At first I thought it was a continuing part of the ‘calm’ training I have mentioned before – but it really is starting to reach an unmanageable peak – they steal my warmth and I don’t have a chance to be active and replenish myself. However, one other tactic against the cold my humans have employed comes in the form of sheepskin. I have long been a fan of M’s slippers but she has upgraded to knee-high ugg boots – which as yet I have not been allowed to share – to be honest I am not sure she has taken them off since they came home. But G, perhaps jealous of M’s fine new footwear, came home which a piece of sheepskin this afternoon and proceeded to cut out pieces to go into his Blunestone boots. The exciting part of this was that there were offcuts – which he gave to me!! Maybe I will make little slippers for my paws – NOT!!! – I think the bigger pieces are just more fun to play with.

I will leave the whole topic of clothes for dogs for another blog as well – I can see why humans put on coverings, having so little fur – but at this point I just think clothes on dogs looks silly – it makes me laugh when I see dogs with little coats at the park! But I know M and G have been worried about me in the winter with my short hair and my tendency to shiver – I think they have some outfits lined up for me and to keep them happy I suppose I will just have to give them a go.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The kindness of my heart

Don’t get me wrong I love exercise, but I also enjoy a great sleep. After my many months on this planet I’ve developed a powerful regime of sleeping and exercise that revolves around M and G lifestyle – I think they sleep a lot but as I said before I’m very accommodating. However, what I’m not happy about is when one of them wakes me from a cosy slumber to satisfy their own corrupt parental urges. Take this evening for instance: we had all eaten and started to relax and G wanted to watch Reservoir Dogs which I must admit sounded quite interesting as I assumed that it would be about dogs frolicking happily near the edge of a great body of water. However, this was not the case so M and I settled down to post meal nap. Some time into the sleep G insisted that I “play” and rudely awakened me. And out of the kindness of my heart I obliged him. I must admit that it was enjoyable, even fun, but I knew G would soon tire and I’d be left wide-awake wanting more. Guess what – my premonition came true. And I was left, excuse the pun, hanging like a dog. But there was also a plus side, G rewarded me for my involvement by giving me a rawhide chew stick. So I guess my point is that it’s great to have routine, it gives one a sense of stability, but every now and then a break in that – even though it may seem on the surface to be annoying and only indulging someone else’s whims – can have its own rewards.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Pub trivia is a funny thing – the pubs endorse it because it is way of getting in punters (the pub we go to also allows dogs) – I am not entirely sure why we enjoy it. Maybe it is about winning! Well tonight we didn’t – we came second and even then it was a matter of tossing a coin because we had tied in points with another team. But perhaps in this case the whole thing is actually about community – the pub’s locals and the also the feeling of being in a team. Our team name always includes my name – I am the team mascot but also the final arbiter when it comes to multiple choice. And certainly there are regulars every week - they all know me and I have my favorites as well. BUT I won’t really be able to contribute to the trivia contest until there is a lowering of the seating! I have to sit on laps to follow what is going on – it is all tall tables and stools! – why can’t they lower the tables so I can see? Is it really too much to ask? I am the shortest dog in the pub – the grey hound has no such problems – but it also seems to me that all the other dogs don’t mind if they are not involved. However, I do want to be involved! Yes, I love my team – but I also want them to respect my input – they need me!

I also include a picture with the trivia host Jeffrey – see really it is all about the people!

New friends and disclaimers

The weekend was busy with new people, different parks, cool air and sunny skies. But the big news is that on Friday I got to meet the infamous Dr. L. With entourage in tow she swept into our flat (M, G, B and N were just part of this party) and I will admit I was so excited I accidentally pee-ed on the floor! I had heard a great deal about L – M and G would whisper about her and I am lead to believe that her absence (‘abandonment’ M jokes) was another part of the reason for my adoption. Clever Dr. L joked I was her replacement – a joke we all know has more than a grain of truth to it. We are about to head off to trivia at the pub in Balmain – she is going to be there! - I am very much looking forward to seeing her again.

I apologise for the lack of posts on the weekend but we heard a number of comics on the radio having a go at “dog blogs” on Friday afternoon and I felt somewhat embarrassed, then affronted, then … 

However, in discussion with M and G we have all decided – who cares: no one is forced to read this! This is for my close friends, family and admirers and we hope you enjoy this and read it with the same spirit of generosity with which I jump, lick and wag my tail.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An existential dilemma

One of the biggest questions in life is which ball to choose: if two balls sit in front of you which one do you play with? Can you really take on both at once or do you have to choose – in essence to prioritise one over another? And if you do have do choose what forms the basis of your criteria? The ball that is more worn – the one you have formed to your mouth and that holds the memories and scents of previous encounters, or the path less travelled – the newer one with all it’s promises of new horizons? Truly it is a difficult dilemma I faced when G. teasingly held up two balls and placed them at two points – equidistant on the ground in front of me. I have to say I hesitated – in the end the decision I made was based purely on instinct. One ball rolled away and therefore demanded my attention –but I still wonder whether my decision was the right one. Just because it caught my attention through its movement doesn’t mean it was the better toy. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A role model

Today M came home and she asked me if I had been moonlighting as a model. I was indignant – what did she mean? She then showed me a book cover, “Secrets to Happiness”. The cover photo shows a puppy lying on its back on the greenest thick grass with the sun shining down and I will admit that if you squint a bit the puppy looks like me. Without reading the book I can guess that the secrets it will reveal is to take joy in the little things – like lying in the warm sun. This is something I know all about – and I am teaching M and G this everyday: the feeling of rubber on your teeth, cuddling together during an afternoon siesta, the thrill of a new smell, the tiny adventures of exploring your body as you roll around on the floor. Yes the secrets to happiness reside in me. Although, the money my agent is tucking away for me off shore won’t hurt either. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Wet drops from outside

Mudlicious days of joy in the park

Warm bath new treats joy


Green round fuzzy new ball

Easy made toy return and fetch

Pride and satisfaction


Growling at landlord

Hiding like spies in Russia

Sleeping on white sheets

Monday, April 20, 2009

What is in a name?

Because it was pouring with rain outside I had time lie around in my basket and ponder my life so far. And with all the recent media focused on Bo Obama’s arrival at the Whitehouse it seems fitting that I shed some light own my nomenclature. My full name is Steve Obama Fletchenberg. My last name is a Scottish-Austrian hybrid that reflects the names of my adoptive parents G. and M. But obviously it is my middle name that is the real story here. The story, as I understand it, is that G. and M. were watching Barack Obama’s acceptance speech on live TV – they had been celebrating the moment with their friends B. and N and a few beers so when Obama told his girls they could now have a puppy (his election promise to them), M. looked at G. with tears in her eyes and G. looked back with a plaintive hang-dog expression.  M. could not help but capitulate to G’s desire for a puppy. They adopted me the next day!  Next to explain my first name – and it’s not because Barack joked during the campaign that his middle name was Steve (as opposed to Hussein), we only found this out later – the reason was because when G. was a child he had wanted to call the family dog ‘Steve’ BUT he was told by his mother that this was “no name for a dog!”. So in conclusion I must say that I am disappointed to hear that Michelle Obama had told her daughters that 'Frank' would not do as a name for their Portuguese water dog. I expect one day either Malia or Sasha will convince their partner to get a puppy and to call it Frank!  I would have liked to meet Frank Obama.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tomorrow is another day...

Today was a mutinous day – it was forever out of my control. M & G decided to sleep in so whimpering started promptly at 9:35, resulting in G getting up, giving me my well deserved breakfast, and allowing me the opportunity to relieve myself. But from there the day seemed to slowly spiral out of control. G was focused on moving the furniture and pounding the living-be-Jesus out of the rugs. Finally, I did what any young blooded dog would do and grabbed my tennis ball and dropped it continuously at G’s feet until we were playing catch. However, as soon as his training had begun, strange noises and different scents came bounding in from the direction of the backdoor. I took to my paws and raised my voice in the direction of the door “How dare you interrupt my play time!! Don’t you know how long it took me to gain control of G !!”, I barked in my most fierce voice. It was B. and Nugget. Now I have only met Nugget once before and he growled at me – but I gave him the benefit of the doubt because we were in a pub and I presumed he’d had one too many. So I made an effort to friends, jumping and sniffing enthusiastically (against my better instincts) – and guess what – he just growled at me again and pee-ed in my spot! Once they left we went to the park – and I tried to make G. jealous by befriending a cute girl. I pretended to be scared of her ‘big dog’. But ignoring that I am the adorable one, she asked G. if he was single. Damn Her! – she was supposed to be interested in me – what has happened to my charm! I am cutting my loses and going to bed early. Tomorrow, I will be the centre of the universe again and cosmic balance will be restored.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Daily Diary - Day One

Two things of significance happened today. G. bought us a ball launcher and the wireless internet in our flat went down. This meant that after a walk to Prattan Park (where there was limited use of the ball launcher due to a soccer match on the field) I spent the rest of the day tripping over, and being tripped up, in the wires of G’s computer. It is on the coffee table so it can be plugged into the ethernet cable for the modem. Not only is there the power cords and all that – the keyboard and mouse keep falling on my head while I try and play. I mean it’s not my fault if the cords keep getting caught around my legs – but you would think from G and M’s cries of “Steve!” that I pulled all the stuffing out of the sofa arms again. Hopefully there will be more ball throwing tomorrow and G will put his computer back on his desk. Until then I will just enjoy curling up in the sofa – G and M are trying to train me to be “calm” it is fantastic! It means I get treats for doing nothing – I can’t say I really understand but I am not complaining.

Friday, January 30, 2009