Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday, we did gardening! It was the first time for me – since we live in an apartment, well I suppose there has been a little bit of ‘potting’ but it was nothing compared to having the full run of a garden – it also went up to sides of a house and all the way to the back fence past two run down sheds. It was truly one of the most exciting days I have had yet. I gambled through the grass, dug in the soil, ran around the mulberry tree, squeezed into the shed, which turned out to be quite cold, then sunned myself on a warm piece of concrete … 

Oh I should go back to the beginning and explain what we were doing there. B has moved to a house nearby and N, G and M were helping out in a bit of a working bee. G helped N erect a pagoda type of structure out of bamboo that N called a “folly” – it was pretty cool. Much of the other human activity seemed to be pulling up lots of small plants and then planting new ones – I wasn’t quite sure what all that was about – but the new ones were all in nice neat rows unlike the ones that had been there before. I tried to help neaten up one row –lettuces I think X said but I got chased away because as usual my attempts to help out were misinterpreted. But it was there were plenty of other things for me to do – I left them to their peculiar human activities and got on with my own. It was just so grand being outdoors in such an exciting place – all afternoon – with some of my favourite humans just nearby!

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