Friday, May 22, 2009

Poor mumphy

I know I am going to sound like a winger but this rain is boring! The cold and rain means that I haven’t been out much and there is only so much you can do in the house. I get bored – there I admit it – I get bored. And today it ended in tragedy. I was left alone by myself in the lounge room and I must tell you it was chaos! G has been creating some artwork out of the veneer on the sideboard he got on Freebay recently which meant there were was tools and bits of veneer all over the place. So being good and avoiding all the damage I could have done to G’s project I instead spent some quality time with Monkey. This is a stuffed toy in human understanding but she has been my closest friend since I was adopted. We came home together and she is whom I most often take to bed at night. We have spent many important moments together – she is mother/lover/friend and consistent companion. Although perhaps I play a little rough – G now calls her mumphy because due to our play, monkey no longer has a mouth – I think the idea is that “mumphy” is what monkey would sound like if you could not open your mouth. I am not this silly! While monkey and I are close I know she is not alive and that the difference between some stitching being there, and not being there, is NOT an existential crisis. However, today something of real import did happen – in our play Monkey lost her arm. I am devastated and feel very guilty all at once. I do hope that M can work some of her stitching magic and put my best friend back together. I do not think she can hug me the same way now…

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My first winter

I am not sure how I feel about this winter thing – all that dark and all that cold. G’s alarm went off so I got up and went to the toilet as I do in the morning but it was still night. This was followed by hours of chilly greyness, with a short ten minutes reprieve of a glimmer of sunshine, followed by heavy rain and then night – call that a day? The only good thing was cuddling under the bed clothes! Although I am not sure that will prove to be any real consolation over time – as G went to work he forgot I was there and lunged across the bed whacking me in the process. It is not all that often that I get to be on the big bed either. However, I suppose it does make you appreciate Summer with all it's warmth and light. Truly, I will never take them for granted again.  

Monday, May 11, 2009

The secrets of happiness - part 2

Even better than lying on the grass in the sun - playing in the garden with my new friend Pudding!

Ps- This blog has been a bit quiet of late due to the extreme shaping of our internet access - due to the setting up of a new account with a certain telco blogging has been somewhat impractical. Things should be back up to speed later this week.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday, we did gardening! It was the first time for me – since we live in an apartment, well I suppose there has been a little bit of ‘potting’ but it was nothing compared to having the full run of a garden – it also went up to sides of a house and all the way to the back fence past two run down sheds. It was truly one of the most exciting days I have had yet. I gambled through the grass, dug in the soil, ran around the mulberry tree, squeezed into the shed, which turned out to be quite cold, then sunned myself on a warm piece of concrete … 

Oh I should go back to the beginning and explain what we were doing there. B has moved to a house nearby and N, G and M were helping out in a bit of a working bee. G helped N erect a pagoda type of structure out of bamboo that N called a “folly” – it was pretty cool. Much of the other human activity seemed to be pulling up lots of small plants and then planting new ones – I wasn’t quite sure what all that was about – but the new ones were all in nice neat rows unlike the ones that had been there before. I tried to help neaten up one row –lettuces I think X said but I got chased away because as usual my attempts to help out were misinterpreted. But it was there were plenty of other things for me to do – I left them to their peculiar human activities and got on with my own. It was just so grand being outdoors in such an exciting place – all afternoon – with some of my favourite humans just nearby!